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Produced with Love and Rage by Extinction Rebellion France, as part of its Carnage Total campaign.
The shareable link to this kit: 

This document is also available in french at : 


    Dear comrades, dear allies,

First of all, many thanks
If you are currently reading theses lines, it means we agree on the importance of forming a united front in Paris on
24 May to fight Total
 and its world, in the name of the existential threats they pose to our future and to our struggles.

This kit brings together all the resources and information that might be useful to you, and you are free to take it up and reuse it on your own behalf.
We're going to need a mass presence on the 24th, so don't hesitate to mobilise all the organisations and activists you know.

    With Love and Rage,

    The Liquidation Total coordination team

Inter-organisational consensus for the action Liquidation Total

Some information and rules to avoid any misunderstanding, confusion or problem on the inter-organisation part for the Liquidation Total action on 24 May:

- In recognition of the fact that Total and its allies, and fossil fuels more broadly, affect every one of our struggles, we decide to associate a number of allied organisations in this mobilisation. Environmentalists, feminists, queers, anti-racists, trade unions... we decide to join forces. For many of us, this alliance is unprecedented, and our modes of operation and action vary - we're counting on mutual tolerance and goodwill. The consensus on action serves as common ground (see below) between the organisations and activists present, who undertake to respect it.

- In view of this broad coalition, no communication is planned that brings together all the names or logos of the organisations present in an exhaustive manner.
Any element of language and any visual produced can be reused by your organisation by applying its graphic charter and its logo, while respecting the intention and consensus of the action, as long as your organisation does not present itself as the organiser of this action.
By way of example: for a posting action organised by organisation A, it would be perfectly acceptable for its logo to appear at the bottom of the posters. The QR code and the registration link are however immutable.

- Political parties are not invited as organisations. This choice is explained by the electoral calendar, with just a few days to go before the elections, to avoid any misappropriation. Activists and elected representatives are welcome to attend, and no one will prevent them from displaying their colours by wearing badges, clothing or other items, in keeping with the consensus on action. However, proselytising will not be tolerated.

- Whatever the situation between now and 24 May, and on the day of the action, our common priority remains the safety of activists - every decision we take will be taken with this objective in mind.

- For the inter-organisational framework, we reaffirm that oppressive behaviour will not be tolerated, particularly towards women and gender minorities.

- We are aware that not all the organisations present have the same from-submission culture.
We respect each activist culture and propose alternatives below. As far as possible, however, and in order to play a part in launching the action, the form should be preferred.

- Your activists' data is secure: XR's tools are self-hosted on a secure server, and only a very limited, hand-picked team has access to them.
We undertake to delete this data in its entirety at the end of the action.

- We value autonomy and initiative.
Each organisation is free to use this document and the tools for the action to mobilise its contacts, activists and orgas, in France and internationally.
We are counting on you!

- You can contact the coordination team at any time at 

Thank you very much for adhering to this somewhat inquisitively worded consensus - we felt it was important to guarantee this framework for all orgas to avoid any misunderstandings or frustrations for the action. If there's something you think is really important, you're more than welcome to talk to us about it.
The team is very enthusiastic about making this action a real moment of common front and above all a success - and it's thanks to your presence that it will be possible!

Info on the action

Taking part in the action

To enable as many people as possible to take part in the action, several ways of enlist have been proposed.

The form -

Ideally, the best way to register is via the form: this will enable us to keep track of the numbers expected, to respond to the specific needs of people (e.g. with disabilities), and above all to assign the roles that the activists will occupy at the launch of the action. These roles are of vital importance in ensuring that the mobilisation goes smoothly and that the action is a success.
XR will store the data of registered activists on a secure server, and it will be completely erased at the end of the action.
The form also allows us to provide accomodation for foreign activists.
Only people who have registered will have a role at the start of the action, but roles can be assigned on the spot to people who have not registered.

By the app telegram -

The least restrictive way of joining the action, the place where to converge will be given on the loop when the action is launched - activists will be able to reach the site by their own means.
Depending on their location in Paris, they will need more or less time for the journey, which means missing part of the installation.
It may be advisable to be ready in a central location (e.g. Chatelet, a trainstation, etc.).

Coming with a group to the action

If these two options don't work and you want to come in a large group, an alternative is to set up the group on your own and designate a contact person (or two) who will liaise with the coordination team.
There are several possibilities:
- the contact person registers via the form for the whole group, and indicates in a "comment" at the end that he or she is the link for one group, giving the approximate size of the group.
- the contact person writes to the coordinator at 
The coordinator will arrange with you for someone to take the group to the target.

The day of the action

The action is designed to enable as many people as possible to take part.
Several areas are envisaged:
- a massive, inclusive and festive space, with low legal risks.
- a separate, more disobedient space, always respecting the consensus of the action.

This massive space will be designed as a large alternative village, including stalls of all kinds, AGM and agora spaces for taking the floor, music, training and workshops, entertainment, etc.
Each organisation can propose an event, training course, workshop or other activity, and will be able to set up any stand on site (book sharing, pancakes, photo exhibition, etc.) independently.
As far as logistics are concerned, you can manage this independently or ask the coordination team for support or to take charge at 

We have chosen to give priority to the voices of people affected by fossil fuel projects and scientists specialising in the subject, so the GAs and agoras will be the preferred places for the orgas and activists present to speak.

Weekend of action

The action Liquidation Total is part of a weekend of action that can motivate your activists:

- Greendock - 25 and 26 May: mobilisation against a colossal logistics platform in IdF
- Forum de l'engagement militant - 25 and 26 May: militant meetings in the heart of the Parc de la Villette
- National Day Against Agrochemicals - 25 May: mobilisation in Paris and across France
Numerous parties and meeting events are also planned throughout the weekend.

The action is designed to allow participation in these other mobilisations.

The Consensus for Action 

The Action Consensus is our common ground: it embodies our determination, our objectives and sets the collective limits within which we mobilise.
Everyone involved in the mobilisation undertakes to respect this consensus, which protects not only our action but also our ability to support activists in the event of legal action.


Communication kit - English

Contains suggestions for posts, links to relay, language elements, links to visuals and tools, accounts to identify on the socials to share your initiatives / the initiatives of your activists.


Communication kit - French

The same thing, but in French ;)

The public toolbox 

Here you'll find all the visuals, flyers, posters, videos, logos, banners, etc.
More will be added in the coming weeks.

Videos / trailers 

Here you'll find a number of trailers and videos that you can adapt and repost publicly or internally, in keeping with the above intention and consensus. 


Various posters to stick up all over the place, but especially in places where they'll stay up the longest.


Flyers to be printed in several languages to maximise support for the action.

Presentation of the action 

A powerpoint for any presentation of the action at a meeting, or to circulate among your activists.

The OpenCollective of the action 

Money, as you know, is the sinews of war ;)
Extinction Rebellion France doesn't pay anyone and has limited resources, much of which goes on legal fees. Activists therefore often contribute to the actions we organised.
Any contribution will therefore be greatly appreciated, and will make for greater serenity and efficiency on D-Day.

Sample messages

Why Total is ruining everyone 
A non-exhaustive summary with arguments on how Total affects each of our struggles - environmental, trade union, anti-racist and decolonial, feminist, queer, etc. - and why it's important for us to join forces.

Mobilising an allied organisation / collective


Dear comrades,

I hope you are well.

I'm writing to you about the major mobilisation being organised in Paris on 24 May, the day of Total's 100th anniversary General Meeting.

Following a call from Extinction Rebellion, a broad coalition from France and internationally of environmental, trade union, feminist, queer, decolonial and other organisations are joining forces to organise a mobilisation on an unprecedented scale: "Liquidation Total" (
Between the international attention of the Olympics, Total's 100th anniversary and the reappointment of its CEO, we believe that this is THE time to act.

As you know, for the past 100 years, Total has been destroying the climate, crushing workers, funding parties and administrations that persecute women and queer people, destroying peasant land, bleeding French people at the pump, trashing science and violating human rights - so this year, we're choosing to put up a united front.

We're counting on you to turn out and share this call for action!

A number of areas will coexist on the day of the action:
- a massive, inclusive, festive and artistic space, where we will talk about alternatives, meet each other, set up a stand, get training and discuss the future of our struggles
- a more disobedient space, for non-violent direct action, to make our rage heard and put forward our demands.
Of course, in every space, the safety and well-being of activists will be the priority at all times.

We look forward to welcoming you and your activists - there are several ways to get involved:
- register using the secure form at (the preferred method, allows to grant accomodation)
- join the telegram loop to be given the location of the action on D-day
- to come as a group, write to the team 

The Interorga kit tells you everything (or almost everything) about the action and contains many useful resources:
Do not hesitate to use it, communicate about the action and pass it on to your allies and activists - there are videos (, posters ( and flyers ( that you can use freely.

As the repression intensifies, on 24 may let's unite against Total and its allies.

Don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions or if you'd like to get organised collectively for the action, I hope to see you soon!

Markdown format

Dear comrades,  

I hope you are well.  

I'm writing to you about the **great mobilisation that is being organised in Paris on 24 May**, the day of Total's 100th General Meeting. :100:  

At the call of Extinction Rebellion, **a broad coalition in France and internationally** of environmental, trade union, feminist, queer, decolonial and other organisations **are joining forces to organise a mobilisation of unprecedented scale**: "[Liquidation Total](".
Between the international attention of the Olympics, Total's 100th anniversary and the reappointment of its CEO, we believe that **this is THE time to act**.

As you know, **for 100 years, Total has been destroying** the climate, crushing workers, funding parties and administrations that persecute women and queer people, destroying peasant land, bleeding French people at the pump, trashing science and violating human rights - so this year, we're choosing to put up a united front. :fist:

We're counting on you to turn up and share this call for action! 

There will be several spaces on the day:  
- **a massive, inclusive, festive and artistic space**, where we can talk about alternatives, meet up, set up a stall, get training and discuss the future of our struggles :mega:
- **a more disobedient, non-violent direct action space**, to make our rage heard and carry our demands. :boom:  
Of course, in each space, **the safety and well-being of activists will be the priority** at all times. :hug:

We look forward to seeing you and your activists :firefighter: - there are several ways to get involved:  
- **register** on the secure form *[](* (preferred, allows to grant accomodation)  
- **join** the telegram loop to receive the location of the action on D-Day  
- to **come as a group** write to the team []( 

**[The Interorga kit]( tells you everything** (or almost everything) about the mobilisation and contains a number of useful resources: *[](*  
Don't hesitate to use it, **communicate about the action and pass it on** to your allies and activists - there are [videos](, [posters]( and [flyers]( in particular that you can use freely.  

As the repression intensifies, **on 24 May, let's unite against Total and its allies**. :fire:

Don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions, or if you'd like to get organised collectively for the action, I hope to see you soon!

Mobilising activists / keeping the ball rolling


Liquidation Total - Everything must go

Hey !

(I hope you're well, and that you'll forgive this rather long standard message. Sharing it with your contacts would be a great help - thank you!)

An international mass mobilisation against Total and its allies is taking place in Paris on 24 May: Liquidation Total.

International attention from the Olympic Games, Total's 100th anniversary AGM, CEO's reappointment - it's THE time to act.

TOTAL represents 100 years of destruction of the climate and societies, corruption and human rights abuses, as well as 1% of mankind's greenhouse gas emissions since the industrial revolution.
A broad coalition of organisations and activists in France and internationally will be converging on Paris on 24 May to mount an unprecedented mobilisation to stop Total.

Environmentalists, anti-racists, feminists, queers, trade unions...
We're putting up a united front against a company that threatens our future and impacts our struggles.

Different spaces will be organised to ensure the best possible inclusiveness and to allow everyone to come, but we need you to make this mobilisation a success!
Register now using the secure form: - accomodation is granted for foreign activists
Tell your comrades about it too - the mass empowers us!

Want to help even more?
There are flyers ( and posters ( announcing the action, to hand out and put up everywhere!
If you know any committed orgas or influencers, you can send them the action mobilisation kit (, or refer them to the coordination team 

See you soon, I hope!

Still hesitating? The action is designed to fit in with a big weekend of activism: you can go to the Greendock action on 25/26, take part in the marches against agrochemicals on 25, or attend the commitment forum organised by XR on Saturday/Sunday - several parties are also planned!

markdown format

#### :100: [Liquidation Total - Everything must go]( :100:

Hey ! :dizzy:

*(I hope you're well, and that you'll forgive this rather long standard message. Sharing it with your contacts would help a lot - thanks!)*

**An international mass mobilisation against Total and its allies is taking place in Paris on 24 May** : [Liquidation Total](

International attention from the Olympic Games, Total's 100th anniversary AGM, CEO's reappointment - **it's THE time to act**.

**TOTAL** represent 100 years of destruction of the climate and societies, of corruption and human rights abuses, and also **1% of mankind's greenhouse gas emissions** since the industrial revolution. :factory:
A **broad coalition of organisations and activists in France and internationally** will be converging on Paris on 24 May to mount an **unprecedented mobilisation** to stop Total. :stop_sign:

***Environmentalists, anti-racists, feminists, queers, trade unions, etc.
**We're putting up a united front** against a company that threatens our future and impacts our struggles.

Different areas will be organised to ensure the best possible inclusiveness and allow everyone to attend, but **we need you** to make this mobilisation a success!
**Register now using the secure form [](** - accomodation is granted for foreign activists
Tell your comrades about it too - the mass empowers us!

*Want to help even more?*
There are [flyers]( and [posters]( announcing the action, to hand out and put up everywhere! :boom:
If you know any committed orgas or influencers, you can send them the [action mobilisation kit](, or refer them to the coordination team [](

See you soon, I hope!

*Are you still hesitating? The action is designed to fit in with a big weekend of activism: you can go to the Greendock action on 25/26, take part in the marches against the agrochemical industry on the 25th, or attend the commitment forum organised by XR on Saturday/Sunday - several parties are also planned!!*